Power Brands Beverage Development


Beverage Design

We all shop and we have all tried new products at some time. What was it that made you try that new iced tea? You hadn’t tasted it before, you never saw it advertised, so why did you take the chance by purchasing it? More than likely, it was due to its design and packaging. 

Beverage design is the aspect of beverage development that most clearly presents your brands’ image to the consumer. It is vital that your beverage has the capacity to achieve a distinctive presence in the marketplace. Grocery store shelves are crowded with a wide variety of beverages. How can your beverage stand out among all the competitors? Without the proper beverage design, your product will be lost among many.

As with all facets of beverage development, beverage design is dictated by your target market. Knowing who your target consumer is and understanding their needs, tastes and preferences will be pivotal in determining the style and type of beverage design you decide on. Cartoon characters may be perfect for a juice geared to children but may not work for all children across demographics.  A tea beverage may benefit from a fun or quirky design but an energy drink would require something very different. 

You will want your beverage design to communicate your brands’ image. A novel bottle or packaging design may achieve this, but you must also be aware of consumer trends.  Emerging trends in beverage design and packaging are difficult to predict. Only extensive market research can help make these predictions. Education and experience in the beverage industry are important to understand these factors. Significant research goes into these decisions.

Every brand of beverage is different in some way. Your brand must be both distinct and memorable to survive in the marketplace. Beverage design experts work carefully to create unique messages that are enticing to consumers. The beverage design must be highly marketable to achieve success.

Look for a beverage design team who will listen to your ideas and follow your guidelines when designing your beverage. They will consider the color of the drink and how it conveys the benefits of your beverage. The type of packaging should be functional but also noticeable to the shopper. The shape of the bottle, can or container can be standard to meet expectations or unique to communicate a quality. The artwork for your beverage design must be high quality and interesting. Most importantly, it needs to be memorable. All of these attributes should be geared toward meeting the expectations and likes of your target demographic.

A good deal of talent is involved in spotting the right aspect of your beverage that sets it apart from the competition. Your competitors’ beverages are offering the consumer something they want. The beverage experts will determine what that is and then figure out what the competitors do not offer. Seizing what your competition lacks may be the key. An attractive beverage design is good, but a beverage design that is unique enough to stand out and catch the eye of a shopper is the goal.




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